Who Have a Reason to Lock You Up

You became a joke in your freshest cravat.
Under the butt
of the joke you fomented, wolfbane
in the locked cell of you fomented, frished.
We emoted you, a flitter of cells,
and if you were a stem, we were
the yonic reverb of many
these douds, these
jokes. You stemming the reverb,
you the Tomyoki tourist and we
the everyday douds,
largish fomenters.
You became locked under. We did
lock you under. Skeined
for the umpteenth time and
still became flitting. Flush
with the topjoke and frishing your cravat.

apocryphaltext Vol. 2, Nos. 2 & 3

Bonnie Jean Michalski received her M.F.A from the University of Arizona in 2006. She currently lives in Tucson where she works at the University of Arizona Poetry Center. She also serves on the board of directors for POG, a Tucson poetry collective, and she co-runs a small
press called MacawMacaw Press that publishes collaborative work in the form of hand-made books. Her work is forthcoming in mid)rib.

a poem by bonnie jean michalski