Notes toward an Apocryphal Text

“[This book] presents a new poet whose vivid imagination expresses itself in brilliant juxtapositions of imagery and language. His work has an immediate power and, beneath its often-absurdiste surface, is rich and haunting.”

—Bill Knott

“Alan May’s poems are taut, intense, weird, and occasionally perverse. They are also unbearably kind, consistently funny... This is a poet with an uncompromising individuality.”

—Inman Majors

"...Carefully measured, stark and moving... A strong and original poetry.”

—Simon Perchik

“I want to suggest that the complexity of Wegrzynowski’s world creates a fascinating space for theoretical and artistic considerations.”

—Brett Levine, Director of the University of Alabama at Birmingham Visual Arts Gallery, from the 5 from 4 exhibition catalog

“Tom Wegrzynowski creates his own ironic mythos, a world in which statements are made specifically to show up the attitudes lying beneath them. His images derive from familiar symbolic structures but refuse to cohere comfortably. What are pyramids doing in No Man’s Land? Only Wegrzynowski’s symbology can explain, and the explanations may still not satisfy a literalist intellect.”

—Jerry Cullum, Senior Editor of Art Papers Magazine, from The First Walker Street Biennial

“By turns whimsical and dark, [Wegrzynowski’s] art channels some of the stark lines and deep tones of early 20th century expressionism, but through a filter that includes flying pigs, armored rats and a squad of masked machinists.”

—Dwayne Fatheree, Tuscaloosa Magazine, Fall 2006

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